Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Journal Entry #9

Image # 2
1. Tommy follows the latest trends.
2. Tommy follows the latest trends in America.
3. Tommy follows the latest trends of all countries.

Image # 5
1. People like to eat burger king.
2. People like to eat burger king because of their negative habits.
3. People like to eat burger king because it taste good.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Questions for Active Reading (Lightman and Gould)

pg 371
1. I think the active reading technique somewhat helps preview but not entirely. It showed me that he was discussing the earth and its shape. Although it also made me think that he would be discussing throughout the paper WHY we believe what we are told and not really focusing on the science of the earth.
2. Its important to know that he is a scientist because most everyday people would not know so much information on this subject and it would seem unreal. The facts he gave would not be creditable to some if he were not a scientist and knew what he was talking about.
3. He used a lighthearted tone when he was discussing the different ideas from different scientist and such. He seemed serious when he mentioned his views or why he became interested on the subject of not knowing why he belived other just becuse they said so.
pg 385
1.To support the theory of evolution he mentions natural selection and impercepitble change through immedicate degrees.
2. He uses example such as "the dogma of seperate creations" to show and explain the idea of theories.
3. I still have no understanding of what the Scopes Trial of 1925 was. I could tell it had something to do with evolution but he did not explain at all and just expected his reader to know what it was.

Journal Entry # 8 (Meaningfull Image)

Answers- Next Exit

I found that although so little words, this image persuades a lot and a great message. It shows the sign basically up in the sky pointing to no where. Its showing that all of our answers are just about answered and they come from other places besides where we look. I think the persuasive idea of this images is how the sign represent that there is only one more step to finding all our answers. You can see in the image that the sky is beautiful, clear and blue which would interpret as something good VS. if the sky had been portrayed as cloudy, stormy and dark it could easily persuade one to have the idea that our answers would be unfortunate or bad.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In the News (US Deficit)

This is an extremely hard topic for me to write and intelligent response on because I really don't know much about the whole situation or understand it much. Well, obviously the US has to risk something in order to pay off the debt. And no matter what they do im sure it will affect us all in the end so unfortunately we should just trust them to make the right decision in solving this problem. Whether they tax us more or not we will all be in a more serious financial problem as a country. I don't know what i would do if I was the president because I don't even know what choices I would have.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Chapter 6- "The Makers Eye"

Questions for active reading

1. Those are great elements to successful writing and revision. Depending on the topic it is a good idea to express personal past situations to express your meaning more clearly and understanding to the reader.

2. I reread my papers to myself but i do not find that it has the same affect as constructive criticism from another. I would rather have someone else read my writing for the first time before I do so that I do not influence my thoughts and ideas toward their own criticism.

3. It in no way influences how I read the quotes because I find that all the tips are understandable to different writings and what their strategies are. Different things work for different people. Whatever makes them feel works for themselves should not be judged by others.

Journal Entry # 7

In Orwells writing he makes a very good point of why he thought the engish language was declining. He used the example of foolish thoughts and foolish language. I found that idea really interesting it it makes a lot of sense. I think that English probably has gotton much worse over the past sixty years because people are not interested in education anymore. Now the english language has declined extremely because of the laziness of our country. The technological uses has not only made our engish writing horrible but has also affected our speech of the english language. I find his list to improve writing to be intelligent but yet common. I completely understand what he was trying to say in that paragraph because i do it as well. Pictures, images, and sensations can really help one ellaborate their wriitng.

Final Project 1 (I believe)

I Believe Ones Goodwill Can Spare Another

At twelve its difficult to realize that your best friend is slowly beginning to drown their own life. The most terrifying thing in my mind at that point was beginning middle school and being to shy to talk to the cute boy sitting in back of me in math class. I will never forget the day that my own best friend told me that she took up an offer a thirty year old man gave her for a ride home one night. What is there to say? Do I yell at her as if I was her mother? Do I tell her parents and loose my best friend? From that day on I was faced with my own belief that my own goodwill to never give up on my friend will spare her life.
I became extremely concerned. Even though I was only in sixth grade and I didn’t have much freedom myself, I was going to take all the precautions I could to make sure she stayed out of trouble. Everyday for a year I asked my parents if she could sleep over or go on trips with us so that I was with her and I knew what she was doing at every moment. At such a young age I was scared to tell my parents because I believed I could help her on my own and the situation could get worse if I involved her lunatic mother. Obviously as much as my own parents loved her, they didn’t want her to permanently live in our house, so occasionally they would send her home not knowing what she was getting thrown into. Until one day, when her mother called my house which was very unusual, she informed my mom that I was never allowed to speak to her daughter again because I was the bad influence who introduced her child to all of her problems. Her mother did everything she could to keep me away from any communication with her daughter, and it worked for quite a few years.
Three years later I got another unannounced phone call from her mother. At this point we were both about 16 years old, in the 9Th grade, and had not talked for about three years. I was given a ridiculous apologetic plead that she had no idea I was the one trying to help her daughter all along. She had been put in the hospital for an overdose and her mother thought that I may have been able to encourage her to let us all help her. Even though I was so incredibly infuriated at that lady for accusing me of those things, I accepted her apologies just for my friend.
The first time I saw her out of the hospital face-to-face on a normal day I was completely speechless. She was not the same girl that I had called my best friend. Her hair was crunchy as if it had not been washed in weeks as well as burnt out in different exotic colors. Her face was as pale as a ghost. Her eyes looked as if she had to use all her strength to keep them open. She was hunched over wearing big baggy dirty clothes on her skinny body that looked as if she just entirely gave up on cleaning, and she mumbled out her words barely even making a sentence. Immediately I spent every day with her making sure she was clean. Thank god she was happy to see me helping her and not disgusted. Our first step we made together was to go to an AIDS clinic so she could get tested, which turned out negative. We took a childcare class together so that we could go after what we originally said we wanted to be when we grew up, which were special needs teachers.
Now I am delighted to say that she is totally 100% clean from drugs, prostitution, AIDS, and everything else that had challenged her life in the past. She is healthy and is currently attending Broward College majoring in Special Education. She even works at a preschool at NOVA Southeastern University as a special needs teachers aide. This is an experience that proved to me that ones goodwill can spare another.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Project #2 (Myth- Draft 2)

Do private schools provide an overall better education than public schools? One may only speak on behalf of their own opinion or belief. Most opinions, thoughts and beliefs are originated by myths of one’s culture. Traditional myths are what mold our impressions, judgments and ideas. A common widespread myth is that private schools provide a more desirable education than public. There are both positive and negative aspects to both sides, but the cultural myth overpowers most personal ideas. Ones personal ideas are easily manipulated by today’s societal myths.

Is a degree in teaching what makes a qualified teacher? Some would argue that a teaching degree is just a small percentage of what makes up a great effective instructor. It is safe to assume that we have all had both a teacher that has encouraged us to want to learn and a teacher that just focused on adhering to the curriculum in a mediocre manner. Therefore, since a degree in teaching is all that is required to overtake a classroom, either a private or public school could be lucky and benefit from a more beneficial schoolteacher. Experience and schooling does not always ensure that a teacher has the appropriate variables to make learning more desirable. It is possible that a passionate teacher could overcome the obstacles found in both private and public schools such as class ratios, student behavior and school funding.

It is thought that the less number of students in a classroom could result in more individual educational attention. Private schools tend to have a low student to teacher ratio which may be one reason why private schools are considered to provide a better education. Some may argue that class ratio size should not matter if the teacher is successfully teaching the material. The less students enrolled in a school could help offer more educational opportunities and activities. A well populated public school could offer a child the ability to interact and socialize with children of different incomes and backgrounds, which signifys a larger portion of society than the typical upper class portion that is usually found in private schools due to the tuition fees.

It is possible that the student behavior of a private school is often thought to be better because of the upper class enrollment. Although, it is quite clear most private schooled children deal with the same issues as students in public schools. One common belief of a private school is that the use of more strict rules and obligations could help prepare the students for their future interaction with society and the workplace, but who’s to say that these strict rules and obligations are effective? Kids are kids; some children will need disciplinary action whether in a private or public school. One could say that the disciplinary actions that are presented in private and public schools will happen regardless whether the students are paying for enrollment or not. Positive control over the students conduct may come down to the teachers effectiveness to handle the disciplinary situations at hand.

Although private schools have more funding due to paid tuitions, it cannot be said that it would guarantee a better education. In some instances a well kept landscape and an immaculate school facility could impact some perception of the educational value of the school. Funding could be used for a diverse number of reasons. Some facilities may use their funding money to maintain a sophisticated look to their school, while another school may put forth their funding money toward more educational purposes such as materials or books. Even though a private school may be expected to provide many materialistic educational resources, a public school may need to be creative with their limited material supply of resources to provide an enhanced effective learning experience.

The myth that private schools provide a better education may be a myth within a myth. The underlying issue dealing with private vs. public schools revolves around an extremely familiar myth in our society today that something expensive is suppose to entail a greater value. Is money the reason why most people find private schools more appealing? Do parents send their children to private schools because they want their children to be associated with a more sophisticated higher class school? Or, are parents honestly finding that children are becoming well educated only in private schools? These are all questions associated toward the myth of private schools providing a better education. The only known constant that can make a difference between schools education is the effectiveness of the teachers. Most would say that a teacher has the ability to thoroughly teach the mandated curriculum or has the ability to thoroughly teach the curriculum by going above and beyond the schools requirements to make a difference in each child’s learning experience. Are these profound inspiring touching teachers found only in private schools?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Project #2 Myth- Private school provide a better education than public schools

Do private schools provide an overall better education than public schools? One may only speak on behalf of their own opinion or belief. Most opinions, thoughts and beliefs are originated by myths of one’s culture. Traditional myths are what mold our impressions, judgments and ideas. A common widespread myth is that private schools provide a more desirable education than public. There are both positive and negative aspects to both sides, but the cultural myth overpowers most personal ideas. Ones personal ideas are easily manipulated by today’s societal myths.
Is a degree in teaching what makes a qualified teacher? Some would argue that a teaching degree is just a small percentage of what makes up a great effective instructor. It is safe to assume that we have all had both a teacher that has encouraged us to want to learn and a teacher that just focused on adhering to the curriculum in a mediocre manner. Therefore, since a degree in teaching is all that is required to overtake a classroom, either a private or public school could be lucky and benefit from a better schoolteacher. Experience and schooling does not always ensure that a teacher has the appropriate variable to make learning more desirable. It is possible that a passionate teacher could overcome the obstacles found in both private and public school such as class ratios, student behavior and school funding.
It is thought that the less number of students in a classroom could result in more individual educational attention. Private schools tend to have a low student to teacher ratio which may be one reason why private schools are considered to provide a better education. Some may argue that class ratio size should not matter if the teacher is successfully teaching the material. The less students enrolled in a school could help offer more educational opportunities and activities. A well populated public school could offer a child the ability to interact and socialize with children of different incomes and backgrounds which signify a larger portion of society than just typically the upper class portion that is usually found in private schools due to the tuition fees.
It is possible that the student behavior of a private school is often thought to be better because of the upper class enrollment. Although, it is quite clear most private schooled children deal with the same issues as students in public schools. One common belief of a private school is that the use of more strict rules and obligations could help prepare the students for their future interaction with society and the workplace, but who’s to say that these strict rules and obligations are effective? Kids are kids; some children will need disciplinary action whether in a private or public school. One could say that the disciplinary actions that are presented in private and public school will happen regardless whether the student is paying for enrollment or not, it all could come down to the teachers effectiveness to handle the disciplinary situations at hand.
Although private schools have more funding due to paid tuitions, it cannot be said that it would guarantee a better education. In some instances a well kept landscape and an immaculate school facility could impact some perception of the educational value of the school. Funding could be used for diverse number of reasons. Some facilities may use their funding money to maintain a sophisticated look to their school, while another school may put forth their funding money toward more educational purposes such as materials or books. Even though a private school may be expected to provide many materialistic educational resources, a public school may need to be creative with their limited material supply of resources to provide and enhanced effective learning experience.
The myth that private schools provide a better education may be a myth within a myth. The underlying issue dealing with private vs. public schools revolves around an extremely common myth in our society today that something expensive is suppose to entail a greater value. Is money the reason why most people find private schools more appealing? Do parents send their children to private schools because they want their children to be associated with a more sophisticated higher class school? Or, are parents honestly finding that children are becoming well educated only in private schools? These are all questions associated toward the myth of private schools providing a better education. The only known constant that can make a difference between schools education is the effectiveness of the teachers. Most would say that a teacher has the ability to thoroughly teach the mandated curriculum or has the ability to thoroughly teach the curriculum by going above and beyond the schools requirements to make a difference in each child’s learning experience. Are these profound inspiring touching teachers found only in private schools?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Journal Entry # 6 (Project 2 Exercise)

Myth: Do you believe private schools provide an overall better education than public schools?


Cristine Moore: "My view is that I dont think it is better. It is positive that private schools have smaller student class ratios, while public school have high student teacher ratios and do not provide as much individual help. But I think there are both negative and positive things about both private and public schools."

Theresa Cataldo: "I dont think they are any better. The only thing thatis better is that private schools have less kids. The students and teachers are all going to be the same whether private or public. Private is just more expensive for the same thing as public."

I found that both interviewes agreed that neither public or private is better. They consider them the same thing. One interesting thing I learned was that they both mentioned the likeness they had toward private school for having smaller class ratios.