Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In the News- Jose Canseco

I understand why Jose probably gave the names of his friends that were also involved with steroid use. He probably had a huge load of guilt on his back that needed to be let off. It was the right thing that he did but im not sure if all his other baseball player friends would agree with that. Im sure alot of his friends that he admitted to have used steroids are no longer on good terms with him now and most like are not happy and don't appreciate him telling their own personal drug use problems to the public. I know that this "incident" with baseball players and steroids will not affect the history of American baseball players at all because we all know by now that many great athletes have been found to have used steroids. It is not something new in America to find athletes using steroid or any other enhancers. I don't find that there is any positive effects to drug use unless it is specifically prescribed by a doctor for health reasons. Steroid use plays and extremely large major role in sports today whether its hidden to the eye of the public or not.

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