Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In the News #5 (Pit Bull Attacks)

For quite some time now we have all seen vicious pit bull attacks on the news. Pit bulls are know for their unexpected aggression, especially toward young children. Even families that may have owned their pit bull for many years and have a safe feeling of protection from their pet have unfortunately been attacked by their own dog. Most pit bull owners do not view the dogs aggression to be a fault or problem, they just need to be handled and cared for correctly. Once a dog has killed a human or in some cases so much as threatened a humans life, it is usually to be put to sleep. Some do not agree that an animal that does not have the same intelligence or thought of right from wrong as a human does should be put to sleep for such unfortunate acts. Most times the animal is just reacting based on their instincts. Although, if a human were to provide an equal amount of aggression toward a dog, even to the length of possibly even killing the animal, the human would most likely just receive a small slap on their wrist and may be given some community service hours. Even though a human has a much more developed thought process of right from wrong than a dog, if a human were to intentionally kill a dog out of aggression they would not receive the same punishment of death that a dog would for killing a human. At this point pit bulls are even thought of to be banned in some states. What are your views on the rights of dogs vs. humans? Do you think humans and dogs should receive equal punishments for equal aggression? Do you think that pit bulls are considered dangerous and should be banned? Do these recent attacks change your ideas toward pit bulls? Is there anything you think that could be done to possibly prevent future attacks?

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